
IGC2024专访 | 新加坡A*Star Andy Tan教授:深入探讨CAR-NK细胞疗法的创新与挑战

IGC组委会 商图药讯

IGC2024 | 会前专访系列

-IGC 2024-
引言IGC 2024


第八届IGC免疫基因及细胞治疗大会即将于9月6-7日北京召开,大会特设“CGT国际监管与技术前瞻论坛”专场。 由此,IGC组委非常荣幸在会前邀请到新加坡科技研究局A*Star生物工艺科技研究院BTI,首席科学家、组长(新加坡),Andy Tan教授,分享他在免疫细胞及基因治疗领域的最新进展、面临的挑战以及未来的发展方向。

采访嘉宾:Andy Tan,新加坡科技研究局A*Star生物工艺科技研究院BTI,首席科学家、组长(新加坡)

Andy Tan 教授领导着新加坡科技研究局 (A*STAR) 生物技术研究所 (BTI) 的免疫细胞制造小组,该小组专注于开发实验室和生物反应器规模工艺的深度能力,包括培养基优化,以便生产天然或嵌合抗原受体 (CAR) 工程同种异体 NK 和T 细胞,用于癌症免疫治疗。他已就这项研究提交了几项技术披露,并曾领导与当地合同开发和制造组织 (CDMO) 的联合实验室,以建立 CAR 病毒生产细胞和 CAR-T 细胞的可扩展扩增。他的研究得到了新加坡科技研究局 (A*STAR)、国家研究基金会 (National Research Foundation)、国家医学研究委员会 (National Medical Research Council) 和行业资金的支持,他是与生物技术公司合作项目的负责人或联合研究员。

Andy Tan 教授在新加坡国立大学获得理学学士、物理学硕士学位和免疫学博士学位。随后,他在澳大利亚国立大学完成了免疫基因组学博士后培训,之后加入 BTI 担任研究科学家,随后被任命为小组负责人。他目前还是新加坡理工学院的兼职副教授。


IGC 组委会

Andy Tan教授,您作为新加坡科技研究局的资深研究员,在免疫细胞工艺技术领域有着深入研究。我想请教您一下,从您的专业视角来看,目前这一领域的发展和趋势有哪些显著特点?特别是在细胞治疗的个体化、精确性提升以及新靶点的发现方面,您认为未来有哪些创新点值得我们期待?

Andy Tan 教授


多样化的细胞类型:除了传统的CAR-T细胞, 其他类型免疫细胞治疗的研究也迅速发展,比如NK细胞(自然杀伤细胞)、 CAR-NK、 TCR-T细胞(T细胞受体工程T细胞)以及iPSC衍生的免疫细胞等。这些不同种类的细胞疗法丰富了该领域的产品维度, 可以进一步提高治疗效果和适应症广度。



The significant features of the current developments and trends can be summarized into the following three points:

Diverse Cell Types: In addition to traditional CAR-T cells, research on other types of immune cell therapies is also increasing, such as NK cells (natural killer cells), CAR-NK, TCR-T cells (T cell receptor-engineered T cells), and iPSC-derived immune cells. These different types of cell therapies enrich the product dimensions of the field, potentially increasing the efficacy and broadening the indications of treatments.

Optimized Cell Engineering Technologies: With the maturation of gene editing technologies like CRISPR/Cas9, scientists are able to edit cell genes more precisely and improve the safety and effectiveness of cell therapies. Using iPSCs as seed cells for further differentiation into T cells and NK cells through further differentiation has increased the efficiency and yield of product preparation, overcoming the limitations of individualized preparation.

Combination Therapy Strategies: The combination of cell therapy with other therapeutic modalities (such as immune checkpoint inhibitors, antibody therapy, and chemotherapy) significantly enhances the synergistic effects of treatment, greatly improving patient outcomes.




生物标志物的监测与应用:通过高精度的生物标志物监测, 可以实时评估疾病进展和治疗反应,从而促进动态调整治疗方案,确保最佳的治疗效果。

Regarding advancements in personalization and precision of cell therapy, I think there are the following aspects:

Tumor neoantigen prediction and personalized vaccines: By thorough analysis of the patient's tumor genome to identify specific neoantigens, a personalized tumor vaccination strategy can be devised.

Precision gene editing: Utilizing more precise gene editing technologies (such as CRISPR/Cas9) to modify immune cells, thus enhancing their anti-tumor cytotoxicity and in vivo persistence while reducing potential side effects.

Biomarker monitoring and application: Through high-precision biomarker monitoring, disease progression and treatment response can be evaluated in real time, facilitating dynamic adjustments of treatment plans to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes.






The main innovations in discovering new targets and aspects of innovation are reflected in:

Multi-Target Combination: Exploring and discovering new tumor cell-specific targets, using a multi-target combination approach could improve treatment effectiveness and reduce the risk of tumor escape.

Regulation of the Tumor Microenvironment: In addition to targeting tumor cells, research are focused on how to regulate the tumor microenvironment, such as targeting inhibitory immune cells (Tregs, MDSCs) and altering the tumor metabolic environment to enhance the overall immune response.

Synthetic Biology Innovations: Designing cells with new functions through synthetic biology, such as immune cells with inherent environmental sensing capabilities and self-destruction switches, to enhance the safety and controllability of therapies.

In summary, there have been many exciting advancements in the field of immune cell therapy, ranging from diverse cell types to precise personalized therapy designs, and the discovery and application of new targets. Future innovations will further drive development in this field, bringing revolutionary treatment methods. Through continuous scientific exploration and technological progress, we can anticipate more breakthrough results, providing patients with more effective and safer treatment options.


IGC 组委会

Andy Tan教授,在免疫细胞治疗领域,异体自然杀伤(Allogeneic NK)细胞因其在治疗实体瘤方面的潜力而备受关注。您在CAR-NK细胞的工艺制造方面具有开创性意义。我想请您谈一谈,在您的研究中,针对实体瘤的异体CAR-NK细胞制造工艺面临哪些主要挑战?同时您在解决这些挑战方面进行了哪些关键性的研究以及这些研究成果如何推动了CAR-NK细胞疗法的发展?

Andy Tan 教授






The manufacturing process of allogeneic CAR-NK cells targeting solid tumors faces the following major challenges: 

Source of Seed Cells and Expansion: Obtaining and massively expanding primary NK cells remains a major technical challenge. Typically, primary NK cells need to be extracted from donor blood or umbilical cord blood and then undergo large-scale expansion to ensure a sufficient number of viable cells for treatment. Although iPS-NK cells have somewhat addressed this issue, the safety still requires further clinical validation.

Persistence and Activity: Compared with T cells, NK cells have shorter persistence and activity in the body. There is a need to address how to maintain their long-term anti-cancer activity during treatment.

Immune Rejection of Allogeneic Cells: Although NK cells have a much lower risk of triggering immune rejection compared to T cells, there is still a possibility of eliciting a rejection response from the host immune system. Overcoming this immune barrier is essential.

Inhibition by the Tumor Microenvironment: The microenvironment of solid tumors is often suppressive and can reduce the anti-tumor activity of NK cells. Researches are still needed to enhance the function of NK cells in such environments.






Our key research focuses primarily on the following aspects:

Optimizing NK Cell Expansion Techniques: Developing new combinations of culture media and growth factors to significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of NK cell expansion.

Development of Novel Feeder Cells: Using gene editing tools like CRISPR/Cas9 to stably express molecules that regulate NK activity in feeder cells. The goal is to screen and select feeder cells with stronger NK activation capabilities for NK cell preparation, thereby extending the survival time and anti-tumor activity of NK cells in the body.

Screening of Conditional Culture Medium Components: By screening hydrolysates and compounds from various sources to find culture components that are more suitable for NK cell proliferation in vitro, we aim to develop more effective expansion media for NK cell preparation.

Tumor Microenvironment Regulation: Utilizing conditional culture media to simulate the tumor microenvironment, we aim to condition NK cells to adapt to the immune microenvironment of tumors, enhancing their anti-tumor activity upon entry into the tumor.






These key research efforts have already achieved some significant results, advancing the development of CAR-NK cell therapy, including:

Screening of Novel Feeder Cells: We have constructed different feeder cell lines carrying different co-stimulatory molecules and evaluated their capabilities to activate and expand NK cells in vitro.

Optimization of Production Processes: We are also using bioreactors to study the scale-up technology for production of allogeneic NK cells, aiming to reduce manufacturing costs.

Development of Conditional Culture Medium Components: We have initiated functional screenings of hydrolysates and small molecules from various animal and plant sources to further optimize culture media that enhances NK cell production efficiency and yield.

In summary, by overcoming these major challenges, we hope that our research will not only theoretically advance CAR-NK cell therapy but also provide practical and feasible solutions, bringing new hope to patients with solid tumors.


IGC 组委会

Andy Tan教授,您在免疫细胞治疗领域的深厚背景和前瞻性研究,期待您分享下,在未来的研究蓝图中,您有哪些具体的研究方向或项目计划,以及您认为哪些领域或技术将为免疫细胞治疗带来革命性的变革?

Andy Tan 教授


新型CAR-NK细胞疗法: 我们正在开发针对不同癌症类型的新型嵌合抗原受体NK细胞疗法,旨在提高疗效并减少副作用。



Currently, our specific research directions and project plans include the following aspects:

Novel CAR-NK Cell Therapies: We are developing new chimeric antigen receptor NK cell therapies targeting different types of cancer, with the aim of increasing efficacy and reducing side effects.

Regulation of the Metabolic Microenvironment: We are researching how to optimize the functional components of culture media to remodel the energy metabolism of NK cells. This will enable them to resist immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment, thereby enhancing the anti-cancer capabilities of immune cells.

Scale-Up Cultivation of Allogeneic NK Cells: By utilizing different types of bioreactors, we are studying the scale-up technology for NK cell cultivation. Coupled with various online monitoring systems, this will achieve large-scale NK cultivation and improve the efficiency and the feasibility of NK cell preparation.









Regarding the impact of revolutionary new technologies and new fields on the field of immune cell therapy, I have the following points:

Synthetic Biology: Using synthetic biology techniques to design and create immune cells with new functions, such as enhanced cytotoxicity or better drug resistance.

Multimodal Combination Therapies: Combining cell therapy with other treatment methods (such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and antibody therapy) to form comprehensive treatment strategies that are multi-layered and multi-pathway.

Discovery of Novel Biomarkers: Identifying and utilizing new biomarkers to predict and monitor treatment responses, thereby personalizing and optimizing treatment plans.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: Utilizing AI and big data analysis to identify new therapeutic targets, optimize treatment strategies, and design personalized treatment plans.

Regarding future prospects, I have the following two considerations:

Development of Next-Generation Technology Platforms: Such as multifunctional immune cells and multi-target immune regulation, to comprehensively enhance the capabilities and scope of immune cell therapies.

Global Collaboration and Clinical Trials: By collaborating with leading research institutions and clinical centers worldwide, we aim to advance clinical trials and practical applications, thus shortening the time required for translating research findings into clinical applications.


IGC 组委会

Andy Tan教授,作为免疫细胞治疗领域的领军人物,在您即将展开的中国之行中,您有哪些特别的期待或目标?同时,您对于探索中国在免疫细胞工艺技术方面的最新进展和潜在合作机会有何展望?

Andy Tan 教授





In my upcoming trip to China, I have several specific expectations and goals:

Academic Exchange and Knowledge Sharing: I look forward to engaging in in-depth academic exchanges with top research institutions and universities in China, sharing our latest research findings and technological innovations in the field of immune cell therapy. I am also eager to hear about and learn from the progress made by Chinese counterparts in this field.

On-Site Visits and Technical Evaluation: If opportunities arise, I am also willing to visit some leading biotechnology companies and clinical centers in China, tour their laboratories and production facilities in person, and evaluate their practical applications and clinical outcomes in technologies such as CAR-T and CAR-NK cell therapy.

Building Collaborative Opportunities: By participating in academic symposiums, industry exhibitions, and engaging in meetings with local companies, I hope to identify and discuss specific collaboration opportunities. These may include joint research projects, collaboration on clinical trials, technology transfer, and market promotion efforts.





When it comes to exploring the latest advancements in immune cell processing technologies in China, I have the following expectations:

Advanced Manufacturing Processes: China has made significant progress in the scale-up production of cell therapy processes, particularly in efficient expansion, purification, and quality control. I am eager to learn about these technical details and discuss how we can leverage this experience in our research.

Clinical Trials and Applications: China has made several breakthroughs in clinical trials of immune cell therapies, especially in the treatment of solid tumors and refractory hematological diseases. I hope to gain insights into the design, implementation, and outcomes of these clinical trials to enrich our clinical strategies.

Policy and Regulatory Environment: Understanding China's policies and regulatory environment in the field of biotechnology, especially regarding the approval process for cell therapies and clinical application guidelines, is crucial for international collaboration and market entry strategies.







In terms of potential collaboration opportunities, I have the following expectations:

Joint Research Projects: I hope to initiate forward-looking research projects in collaboration with leading research institutions in China, focusing on the development and optimization of novel immune therapies. By working together, we can drive technological advancements and scientific innovation.

Clinical Trial Collaboration: By engaging in multinational collaboration, conducting multicenter clinical trials combining patient data from different regions, we aim to enhance the breadth and applicability of research results, accelerating the clinical application of new therapies.

Technology Transfer and Production Collaboration: Considering partnerships with biotechnology companies in China for technology transfer and production, we aim to collaboratively develop cell therapy products that meet international standards. This will not only enhance product quality and production efficiency but also better serve global patients.

Market and Commercial Collaboration: Exploring strategies for promoting immune cell therapy products in the Chinese market, establishing long-term commercial partnerships with local collaborators to facilitate the application and popularization of treatment solutions in China.

In conclusion, I am looking forward to my trip to China and through close collaboration with Chinese counterparts, working together to explore and achieve more breakthroughs in the field of immune cell therapy, benefiting patients worldwide.

感谢Andy Tan 教授的解答,他还将受邀出席9月6-7日北京举办的IGC 第八届免疫基因及细胞治疗大会 发表关于“治疗实体瘤的同种异体NK细胞生产的机遇与挑战”的精彩演讲,让我们敬请期待!

IGC 2024


IGC  2024(第八届免疫基因及细胞治疗大会)将再度于北京国际会议中心升级启航!今年IGC将从12大细分论坛出发,探讨CGT热点赛道的投融策略、前瞻技术、创新疗法研发、领先转化、先进CMC、国内外申报策略,促进国内外产学研的深入交流与合作,加快中国免疫治疗、基因治疗及细胞治疗的产业转化!

#IGC 2024#











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